Monday, June 11, 2007

On our way home

Nine months ago today, we boarded our flight from Seattle to London, bound for Capetown. In the intervening time, we've had experiences of a lifetime.

Watching a lioness stalk and kill a zebra on the plains of the Serengeti. Seeing a llama born beneath the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. Paddling a swan across Lake Titicaca. Crossing the street in Saigon.

All these are memories I will carry forever. And of course, there are many, many more.

And beyond all the amazing memories, this trip has been wonderful for another important reason: It has given Erin and me a lot of time together. Literally, we have not been apart for more than a few hours in all this time, which is more than many people spend together in an entire marriage by our calculations. For this, we feel very lucky.

As we prepare to re-enter American society, Erin and I are both feeling ready. Travel has been wonderful beyond expectation, but it has also been a bit tiring. We're looking forward to sleeping in our own bed again, unpacking our bags and eating a salad. And speaking for myself, I'm looking forward to a good Q-Tip for a change. It seems Q-Tip quality really declines outside the US. Go figure.

I look forward to connecting with many of you in person in the days to come. We head to Buffalo on the 14th and then wend our way West, visiting family along the way. We land in Seattle on June 27th.

As they say down here in Buenos Aires, "ciao, besitas."

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